Meeting Room AV Company in Indiana
Whether building a new system or finding effective solutions to enhance your existing meeting room technology, our audio-visual experts will design a system that works for you.
11795 Technology Ln, Fishers, IN 46038
(317) 588-1200
Audio Visual Solutions for Meeting Rooms of All Sizes
The ability to move seamlessly from an individual work activity to group collaboration is a critical requirement for effective working.
Whether that activity takes place in a formal meeting room or somewhere more ad-hoc, the experience should be simple, consistent and enable people to get to work quickly and effectively.
With our help, businesses and institutions are making use of the best audio visual technology to create consistent user experiences that stimulate innovation and enable employees to work to their full potential, wherever they spend their working day.
Large Conference Rooms
Today’s conference room is far different than just a few years ago. One word describes this change – “Control.” The end-user is able to control every feature of a conference room from the automated blinds to the video conferencing system. Data can be collected on room usage in order to inform future decisions on conference room expansion. Most important is the growing ability to access conference rooms and control them remotely.
Zoom Rooms
Zoom Rooms tackles the three biggest pain points of the conference room: Starting a meeting, booking a meeting, and sharing content. Zoom makes it easier than ever to scale video to every room. From all-in-one kits and devices for your huddle rooms to customized A/V systems for your training rooms, combine Zoom’s cloud platform with the hardware that best fits your need.

Teams Rooms
Microsoft Teams Rooms bridge the gap between in-person and remote attendees, so everyone can be seen, heard, and fully participate – whether they are working in small, medium or large meeting spaces. With Microsoft Teams rooms, you can create friction-free meeting spaces. Easily start or join a meeting, share ideas and content, and allow people to meet without distractions.

Our Values.
Through a holistic approach, Ultimate Technologies Group serves people, improves their productivity and amplifies performance in modern work environments.